Tip: Once you have finished customizing your cursors, you can click the button Save As under Scheme to save your changes as a new pointer scheme.You can choose a static cursor image (*.cur file) or an animated cursor (*.ani file). button to pick an alternative cursor file. Select the desired cursor in the list, and click the Browse. Under Customize, you can change individual cursors for the selected scheme.Under Scheme, you can pick one of the installed cursor themes.Under Devices and Printers, click the Mouse link.Go to Control Panel\Hardware and Sound.To change the mouse pointer appearance using the classic Control Panel, do the following. Change Mouse Pointers in Windows 10 using Mouse Properties The Settings app has limited abilities to change the mouse pointers as of this writing, so most of the settings are still located in the classic Control Panel applet called "Mouse Properties". Under the Pointer color, you can choose between the white and black mouse pointer color.On the right, select the size of the cursor - standard, large, extra large - using thumbnail buttons under Mouse pointers.To change mouse pointers in windows 10, do the following.

Get new cursor schemes with Cursor Commander Change Mouse Pointer in Windows 10 using Settings